Siobhan Siobhane-mail mevisit my deviantART gallery
draws animals and other funny little characters in lots of bright colours. She collects Sylvanian Families, My Little Ponies and anything else with a cute happy face. Her favourite colours are lime green and bubblegum pink.
Davide-mail mevisit my deviantART gallery
draws weathered looking men with cigarettes and motorbikes. He likes cowboys and detectives and thinks Blade Runner is the best film ever. His favourite colours are grey and orange.

Thursday 6 January 2011

A rant. And then some pictures.

So, the end of last year I actually started drawing again and for once I've decided just to do what I like and not care what other people think. Expect this blog to become a bit more personal and less boring shitty trying-to-be-professional-and-not-have-feelings-illustrator crap as a result. If you want, un-follow it now.

Anyway, what I like at the moment is cute stuff (I just can't bring myself to say "kawaii"). I've always liked cute stuff but when I was at college I tried to keep away from it because I think too many people use a simple style as an excuse for not being able to fucking draw and unlike them, I wanted to at least TRY to improve rather than stagnate doing the same old samey shit all the time. ¬¬

But as you can see, trying got me nowhere and the more I learned about the illustration industry and the superficial trendy morons people who work in it, the more I hated it. So screw drawing for a job. I don't want to draw what other people want to see and I don't care what other people think. And you know what? It's OKAY. I can't believe how long it's taken me to realize that not wanting to read the Guardian or any of the other newspapers is FINE, not having an interest in movies is FINE, thinking Family Guy is the unfunniest piece of shit I have ever seen? FINE. And preferring Unter Null to Kings of Leon? Guess what? IT'S ALL FINE AND IN NO WAY DETRIMENTAL TO MY QUALITY OF LIFE OR MY ABILITY TO FORM AN OPINION OF MY OWN.

Considering that art colleges and the like are supposed to be a centre of counterculture; full of quirky individuals who don't fit in with the social norm... I think it's actually the place where I've most felt the pressure to conform to popular opinion.

Eh, I'm rambling. I just wanted to get that out of my system. Like I said, I don't care what other people want to see. I don't care about making money. I don't care about fame or the approval of my "peers". I just want to do what I love, and what I love is:

The original My Little Ponies.

Pokemon (homg I am so excited for Black & White! Jelly bunny! Chandelier ghost! Fluffy electric spider! ♥).

And Sylvanian Families.

This series makes me feel good. I love watching it in Japanese because as a Tachikoma aficionado, I know that Japanese is the language of cuteness. Sylvanians are awesome; I ordered the DVD and a few families to go with the poor naked ones I still have from when I was little. This is the collection I'm working towards, you should buy me something from it because you can never have too many toys. XD