Siobhan Siobhane-mail mevisit my deviantART gallery
draws animals and other funny little characters in lots of bright colours. She collects Sylvanian Families, My Little Ponies and anything else with a cute happy face. Her favourite colours are lime green and bubblegum pink.
Davide-mail mevisit my deviantART gallery
draws weathered looking men with cigarettes and motorbikes. He likes cowboys and detectives and thinks Blade Runner is the best film ever. His favourite colours are grey and orange.

Tuesday 4 December 2012


Me and a friend were trying to imagine the worst possible flavours for juice and all the normal-ish ones we could come up with are already things that people actually have because being healthy is more important to them than not drinking kale juice.

So instead, here is a carton of sick juice. You can decide for yourself whether it would contain real sick or just a strangely coloured fruit juice.